Contribute to Psychology Research Now

Interested in contributing to psychology research?

Participate in psychology research today by checking out our current studies, or by joining our participant registry to get notified about future study launches. 

Not eligible for any of our ongoing studies? Or perhaps want to be notified about future studies?

Signing up below does not mean you have to take part in future studies. If you decide not to take part in a study, it will have no influence on your ability to receive treatment or take part in other research studies at the University of California.


If you decide to complete the questionnaire, we will contact you when and if we have studies that you might be eligible for. Some of these studies are conducted over the internet and others require in-person sessions at the University. We will ask you which types of studies you are interested in participating. We will only email you about studies that might be a good match for you.


All of our studies are approved by the University of California Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects.

Are there any risks to joining your participant registry?

This questionnaire involves personal information, and by definition, information sent over the web is less secure. We will protect your privacy as much as we can; we will keep this information password protected and only our small team of researchers would have access to the information. If there is any information that you do not want to share with us, please feel free to skip those items.


There will be no cost or payment to you if you sign this form.

What do I do to consent?

If you agree to take the online survey you are consenting to be contacted in the future.


By submitting the survey, you have read and understood the previous information and understand that you are giving the research team permission to contact you about research studies.