Healthy Lifestyles for Bipolar Disorder

We are recruiting for the largest study ever conducted on how dietary interventions when added to medication, might help people with bipolar disorder.

This study will compare the benefits of two approaches to eating: Mediterranean and Time-Restricted Eating. Neither food plan is meant to be a diet or a treatment. In this study, we ask you to consume the same amount of food that you normally would and to continue your regular medical care for bipolar disorder. We would assign you to one of these food plans.Those who take part in the study will be paid at a rate of $25/hour for their time completing assessments.

Our goal is to understand not only if the intervention helps, but also a very broad range of the ways in which it may help, including when it helps and when it does not help. We’re looking for people who will help us understand this important set of goals, by sharing their experiences with us through a broad range of questions as they try on one of our dietary interventions. This study will involve many different questions because we sincerely want to deeply understand each person’s experience during this study.

There are two versions of this study: a local version, and an international version. Those who live close to Berkeley, CA who might be willing to periodically visit a a locally convenient lab to get blood work done might participate in the local study, while those further from the Bay Area might participate in our entirely-remote international study.

clock-like diagram illustrating time restricted eating

Time-Restricted Eating and Bipolar Disorder

Time restricted eating involves restricting eating to 10 hours per day. To make that happen, people typically avoid eating in the first hour after they wake up and avoid eating in the couple hours before they go to sleep. To do this, you’d need a standard schedule that works well for you, and we’d work with you to determine that window.

TRE has been shown to improve sleep and circadian rhythms, and we would like to understand if it similarly has this benefit in symptoms of bipolar disorder.

The Mediterranean Diet and Bipolar Disorder

The Mediterranean Diet is one of the best studied ways to eat healthfully. It is based on the typical diet in the 16 countries surrounding the Mediterranean sea, and it involves eating more fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, and using olive oil in place of less healthy fats.

This diet has shown to be significantly beneficial for people with heart disease, diabetes, and a number of other health conditions.

We would like to understand if the Mediterranean Diet also has benefits for symptoms of bipolar disorder.

A summer dinner .Pasta , pizza and homemade food arrangement in a restaurant Rome .Tasty and authentic Italian food.


We sincerely hope you’ll be interested in working with us.

In this study, you would be asked to log your regular eating habits for 2 weeks, while we share tips about healthy sleep and goal-setting with you. Then, we would assign you to follow either Time-Restricted Eating or the Mediterranean Diet. At this point, we would share initial instructions and tips to follow your food plan, and you would continue to receive more tips about healthy eating and sleep throughout the 8 weeks of following the plan. Throughout this time, we’d have you log your food daily, in order to see how the food plans are working for you. Multiple times throughout the study, we’d also ask you to take paid surveys and interviews so we can track how things are going.

If you are interested in participating in this study, please fill out the following survey:

Note: This survey may take up to 45 minutes to complete. If you would like to be emailed a link of this survey to complete at a later time, please enter your email here.

Please feel free to also join our participant registry to be contacted if you may be a good fit for future studies. You may contact us with any questions regarding the study at

Healthy Lifestyles for Bipolar Disorder Collaborators

Lance J Kriegsfeld, PhD, Professor at the University of California Berkeley

Keanan Joyner, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at the University of California Berkeley

Greg Murray, PhD, Professor in Psychological Sciences at Swinburne University

Dr. Michael Berk, Ph.D., MBBCH, MMED, FF(Psych)SA, FRANCZP, Director, Alfred Deakin Professor of Psychiatry at Deakin University School of Medicine

Dr. Satchin Panda, PhD, Regulatory Biology Department, Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Emily Manoogian, Staff Scientist, Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Robert Villanueva, National Trainer of Trainers for the National Alliance on Mental Illness

Dr. Erin Michalak, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, CREST-BD founder